Tannerite® Sports Factory Fire
As most of our wonderful supporters and customers now know our company has suffered a devastating fire at our factory which resulted in a total loss on early Monday morning, 01/08/2018.
We would like to thank the Pleasant Hill fire, Goshen fire, Springfield fire, South Lane fire, Lowell fire, Dexter fire, McKenzie fire, Mohawk fire and Coburg fire personnel that did a stellar job at saving what they could save. We are happy that none of them were injured in responding to this large fire, and that no one else was injured.
Needless to say with this fire now just a little over forty-eight hours old, we are still in initial recovery mode, still getting questions answered, and very much working hard to get initial solutions in place.
We would like to clear up some misinformation that was reported in the media and on social media. One, we have no evidence at this time that this was arson or insurance fraud. Two, there was no explosion as there were no explosives on the premises. While there were some 1.4g special effects fireworks from another company, that have no special storage requirements, waiting to be shipped out that was set off by the fire; these had nothing to do with target making components. Last, that company was not operating illegally.
I personally responded to all media inquiries, leaving messages with five sources after they contacted the office with only two returning my calls. I diligently worked with the fire investigators in order to efficiently work through the local and State investigators and we are told those should finish up tomorrow; once we get their reports we will know more.
Everyone at the company appreciates all the support and patience we have received as we work towards getting resources in place to execute a business recovery plan. We are working to have a solid plan in place for recovery very soon and when we do, we will communicate that to the public and our business partners.
The Tannerite® Sports family would like to thank everyone for their support.
On Behalf of Tannerite® Sports L.L.C.,
Sincerely, Steve Yerger
Corporate Investigator